Pediatric Procedures
Pediatric Foot Care
The pediatric services listed below are offered at our Jackson North Medical Center and our Mercy Outpatient Building.
- Brachymetatarsia
- Custom Orthotics
- Foot and Ankle Fractures
- Foot and Ankle Pain
- Ingrown Toenails
- Intoed Gait
- Juvenile Hallux Valgus
- Neoplams
- Neurological Gait
- Osteocondrosis-example; Sever's disease
- Other congenital deformities; Clubfoot, calcaneal valgus, and vertical talus
- Pediatric Foot Care
- Pes Cavus (High Arch)
- Pes Planus (Flatfoot)
- Polydactyly
- Sports Injuries
- Tarsal Coalition
- Warts
- Correction of bone deformities
- Tendon transfers
- Removal of bone and soft tissue mass
- Pediatric orthopedic and plastic surgery
- Custom molded orthotics
- Custom molded braces